Monday, November 10, 2008

The Great Oxymoron

I have spent much of my life asking God what He has for me to do. However, what I am discovering is that this question is only answered by daily walking after Him. Letting Him lead every step.

Understanding this and living it out are two completely different things. Most people are only aware that they need to follow Him, but we should not strive to be 'most people.' Our desire should be to get closer to our Savior each and every day. Yet, if you attempt to do this with any amount of success, there is something you should know. This nugget of wisdom is the power of following after God's Son, the Great Servant.

If you were to decide to pursue after Christ today, I would say this to you. "You are chasing after a God who wears a crown of thorns and a crown of glory. You are pursuing the One who carries the Father's mercy in His nail-pierced hands in the form of a wooden cross on His shoulder. Christ celebrated with newlyweds in Canaan and suffered death on a Roman cross. Jesus was a man of sorrows and yet, His true followers know a true joy that becomes the strength of their lives. Yeshua plainly declares that you must be last to be first and that only the life that is given away can be lived more abundantly. The Lamb of God is the Lion of Judah. The mystery of God is made simple in the revelation of His resurrected Son. God is a God of paradox- He is the Great Oxymoron..."

This loving Creator has been know to use donkeys, big fishes, locusts, prophets and a child in a manger to communicate both His love and judgment. Listen to the Child to avoid the locusts.


1 comment:

  1. I like the way you write, Jeremiah. I can tell you put a lot of thought into it. Great job and thanks for your encouragement. Maybe you can write something about the Dad role. I'm praying for your mom today.

