Thursday, February 5, 2015


We seem to be limited people.
Our humanness screams limitation.
As you grow older, the limits seem to close in on you...
Our minds, bodies and finances all seem SO limited.

But I want to challenge you to take the lid off your limitations!

Paul writes these words to the early church in Ephesus...

“God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all we could ever ask or imagine through Christ Jesus”
Ephesians 3:20

Paul wanted this small group of believers to know that their limitations don't exist in Christ, for as we line our hearts up with His will, we become unlimited!

We can suddenly do amazing things in our families, in our homes and in our workplaces.

At the Intersection, we dream up big things, but our God can do even more than we've ever asked or imagined.

As we pursue the purchase of this building and the 31 acres that it stands on, we stand on the truth of this promise to us. As we are obedient to Him, He will make us UNLIMITED in the places we feel so limited.
We ask for his provision to move into the future, but each and everyone of us have to see our own capacity expand.

What if God was asking you to take the limits off of the way you think? 
About what is possible?
About what you have at your disposal?

In Christ, we have all the riches of heaven, so why our prayers so small?
Why are our thoughts so limited?

We want to take the limits off.
We want to take barriers down.
We want to kick the lid off of your life and the vision of this church so that we can see that we are truly made for more.
Have you taken the time to imagine what could happen in your life?
Have you taken time to imagine what this church is capable of doing to bring a change to this community?

Think of the homeless we can shelter.
Think of the hungry we could feed.
Think of the orphan that we can help.

There is a warning, however. 
Having an unlimited mindset costs us something.
It cost us our small vision.
It costs us our negative attitudes
I will challenge us to never say again that's impossible, for with God nothing is impossible.
In Christ, we become unlimited people.

People who shape the future.
People who bring into reality the spark of creativity that God entrusted to them.
Unlimited people see the harvest as plentiful, but they also realize that the workers are few.
We want to challenge your old way of thinking.
We want to challenge your preconceived ideas of what is possible and what is not.
We want to show you that as a person, as a church we are unlimited!

Unlimited is an opportunity to increase our capacity and expand our individuals and as a community of believers.

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