Wednesday, April 18, 2012

40 Days to Change My Life

It is day 4 of my 40 day commitment to deny my physical body of food so that I can hear God's voice more clearly. The picture to the left pretty much sums up how my physical body is feeling at this point, but my spirit is LOVING it! Have you joined us? Are you fasting something too? If you are reading this, it is because you have some sort of invested interest in what God is doing, either in me or in the Intersection. So read on and let me tell you what God is up to through this church-wide fast...

Earlier this year I said that greater things were in store for us at the Intersection. Not just for the church, but for the personal lives and spiritual growth of everyone who would be attached to us when He takes us to those greater things. The fact is that the greater things God wants to accomplish in our world start with the greater things He is accomplishing in us as individuals, families and teams.

So let's dig in! Let's enjoy this season of fasting and allow God to heal us and bring us to that next level so that He can do a greater thing in our community and the world! Believe me, the Intersection is called to be a world-changing group of believers and we need the Holy Spirit like never before so that we can stretch our faith over the next month and a half. This will allow us to believe for things we haven't yet even dreamed possible. Reply and tell me what you are doing to participate in our fast along with what you are asking God to do in you and your family during this time.

It's 40 days to change our life so God can help us change our world!!

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